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Transmitting Faith: Our Creed

Sr. Maureen

September 22,2020

Ways to bring Faith alive in your home. Watch a brief explanation at C4Ignite Your Catholic Faith

Catholic parents with children learning at home,especially for school classes during COVID times, are offered a challenge and wonderful opportunity to share the most essential lesson of all— The invitation o know God the Father, Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit, source of love.
And your children will be blessed to learn of their Trinitarian heritage in the most effective method — from their parents, God-ordained First Teachers of the Faith.
Each month, FAITH Alive in the Home newsletter will suggest age-appropriate ways to share the Good News in your family, particularly with toddlers and pre-school children.

Our Creed
Activities each month, and reflections for parents, will be based on the teachings of the Apostles Creed.

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